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1 pack walk per week - $55/walk

2 pack walks per week - $50/walk

3 pack walks per week - $45/walk

Discounted prices are offered for multiple dog families*



1. Must live in an area we service.

2. Dog must be available to be picked up anywhere between 8:30 am and 12 pm.

(ETA's are not given unless absolutely necessary)

3. We must have access to your home if you are not there.

4. Payment is required within 24 hours of the walk.

Pack walks are an amazing tool to enhance your dog’s leash skills and behavior in social settings. During a pack walk, your dog will be walking with a group of dogs where we will focus on walking calmly on a loose leash, as a pack. The current pack consists of very well mannered, balanced dogs that are great help in teaching newcomers the expected walking behaviors. Pack walks also help your dog learn how to stay calm and relaxed in the presence of distractions, such as new people and dogs passing by. Pack walks are a great way to meet your dogs’ mental and physical exercise needs. By meeting their exercise needs, we can also create better in-home behavior due to less excess energy and excitement. Pack walks are also important for teaching dogs that socialization with others does not always mean it is time to play. Pack walks create a setting where dogs are able to learn social skills in a calm and controlled manner, which aids in building a good sense of impulse control.


How Pack Walk days’ work:

Your dog is picked up at your home in the morning, driven to the desired walk spot, walked for an hour with his/her buddies, and then dropped off at the home once the walk is over. Dogs may be gone anywhere from 90 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the pickup/ drop off route for that day.




Discounted prices offered when willing to do more than one walk per week.

Private training walks are perfect for dogs who need a more individualized learning experience or wish to eventually join the pack. During a private walk we work on leash skills, calm behavior, obedience commands, desensitization to stimulus such as strangers, dogs, squirrels, etc. Private training walks are amazing for dogs who struggle with their social skills around people or dogs or those who pull, bark, and lunge on leash. These walks are tailored to whatever your specific dog needs to work on, whether that be passing by new dogs, walking past squirrels or cats, or even being able to remain calm at a restaurant or outdoor mall.

If the owner wishes to be able to see the session, but cannot be there in person to watch, I also offer an option of adding video tutorials. In the video tutorials, I will go in to depth on describing the different behaviors the dog is showing, why they are exhibiting this behavior, and the different tools and exercises we can use to improve these behaviors. Tutorial videos will be sent either via email or text message and the owner will always have them for reference.



Consultation: $50

*Not optional*

This is a 30 Minute FaceTime or Phone call where we discuss

the current struggles you are having with your dog and your goals for training. With this information, we will discuss the best training program in order to mend unwanted behavior and

aid In reaching your training goals.

Single Session Rate: $185 per hour

Package of 3 sessions: $480 ($160 per session)

(Best for covering basics: Leash work and in-home structure)

Package of 5 sessions $750: ($150 per session)

(Best for covering basics & more advanced training:

Leash work, in-home structure, socialization with the pack, hikes, patios, outdoor malls, etc.


if you are located more than 10 miles away, there is an additional $20 travel fee for gas and mileage.

You will be given the option to come to a mutual training location. 

Packages are NOT refundable. 

Packages DO NOT expire.


1. Fill out the contact form 

(This can be found in the drop down menu or the Home Page)

We will get back to you within 48 hours of your submission.

2. We will Book your FaceTime or Phone Call consultation.

3. At the end of your consult we will book your first in-person session and get started as soon as possible.

Private training sessions are where I work one on one with both the dog and the owner together. These sessions are based on giving owners the tools they need in order to establish a successful relationship with their dog. My goal in these sessions is to provide the owner with the tools they need in order to take on that role as the pack leader and be someone their dog can trust and follow. We work on things such as poor leash manners, reactivity, fearfulness, confidence building, structure in the home, loose leash walking, etc.


If you are interested in any of my services, please send me an email or simply fill out the form provided in order to schedule a phone call consultation and set up an appointment.

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